Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beauty Tips: Strictly for the lazy and poor


I am sure you have read many many blogs/magazines/websites that give out beauty tips to the women in the world out there. In fact, I was just browsing a copy of Cleo that I bought today and saw all the amazing make-up tips and product recommendations. However, another thing I noticed is that, every single make-up or skincare product recommended also comes with a price. A price that not everyone can afford, especially for poor students like myself (by the way, I have just regained my student status recently having just quit my job to further my studies).

Ok, so back to the topic, so during my college/university days I have started using make-up almost every single time I step out of the house. In fact, when I got my first job, make-up is a necessity to work else my manager will come running at us and lecturing (read scolding us like kids) that in this line (read customer service) we have to be well groomed and presentable yadda yadda yadda...Note that she comes to work wearing a wig, false eyelashes and 1000 layers of make-up every single day. Well here are two things I am not.

1) I am not the type who would splurge on expensive make-up (trust me I have had my days when I forked out RM80 for an eyeliner just cause it is MAC but I am way past that stage) because I am not rich, and I don't earn much, and I try not to rely much on my parents money hence the need to be frugal all the time.

2) I am not as hardworking as those girls who spend so much time in the morning to do make-up etc, and have like 100 make-up/skincare products at home in which 3/4 of it will probably be underused anyway.

But that does not mean that I do not care for my looks/skin at all. I have discovered a few "shortcuts" to look good and also to save money at the same time! However, I am also no expert in these things and I am just sharing what I feel works for me :) I know experts like Michelle Phan will probably shake their head at my "techniques" and "routines" but well, I am not them and this regime has worked for me for the past few years so yeah. Please take discretion when reading this. Thank you!

For "proper" beauty tips and regime you may want to refer here:

Else, if you're as lazy as I am, or as cost concious as I am, then this is for you :)

Do note that it is recommended to pick up these tips only if you have some sort of good looks or good skin. If you are too ugly for your own good, you may want to use some full-blown make-up to cover up your flaws then #sorry.

1) First up, for your skin: ZA Instant Brightener

A couple weeks ago I have discovered this baby! I was looking for a cheaper moisturizer (I was using Olay) and while walking through the aisle of Guardian, this caught my attention. Curious, I started reading the pamphlet that was placed next to the product, apparently this moisturizer can brighten up your skin and the results shown on the pamphlet was quite apparent. Conveniently, there was a sales girl who came over and explained the benefit of this bottle of goodness. I can't remember what exactly she said but I remember her clearly saying this "In simple terms, this is for the lazy woman". I was sold. And true enough, after I tried using this, I realised I don't even need foundation or BB cream anymore! I just put this on, dab some concealer to hide my eyebags and I am good to go =) My skin really lit up after putting on this moisturizer. I love multi-functional products! Non-time consuming and only costs me RM20 something. Best part is, you also save on make-up remover cause you only have to remove make-up on your eye area (if you put eye make-up) instead of your whole face.

Sidetrack: Before using this, I was using BB cream from Elianto, which was actually pretty good too. Except that at the end of the day, it is also acts as a foundation hence it may clog up your skin as well. Hence, with this ZA instant brightener, I really feel like I am giving my skin enough air to breathe. Otherwise, on days when you need to look good or more made up, I would prefer going for BB cream rather than foundation as it looks more natural and also have healing properties : read here.

2) Elianto Sheer Loose Powder

This pot here is another very important ingredient in make-up 101. Many ladies do not realise the benefit of putting loose powder. Lucky for me, a few years ago I was a model for this make-up/hair/fashion competition and they piled alot of loose powder on my face. I realised that my skin look much smoother and the make up last much more longer with loose powder. Hence, after the competition I got myself a pot of loose powder from Elianto (cost me less than RM20 if I am not mistaken). Another apparent benefit of this loose powder is that you will look better in photos (tried and tested by myself!) because of the tiny specs of sparkle it contains, when the camera captures light on your face, you will look very radiant and glowy. To those who don't know what a loose powder is, it is meant to be put on after wearing foundation/BBcream. However, I have discovered that I can use this with the ZA Instant brightener as well. So yeah, to futher brighten up your look with the brigtener, just add a thin layer of loose powder and you will look as though you have flawless skin =)

3) The "MAGIC STICK" a.k.a Concealer

This is another magic tool especially for ladies who have bad dark eye rings and eyebags like I do. It is always good to invest in a good concealer (This one here is from Maybelline and costs RM19.90 only and can last you for a couple of years!). Seriously, if you do not have any major skin problems, I don't see a need of using foundation. You just need this "magic stick" handy so whenever you have a pimple, you just need to apply this on affected area + a layer of loose powder and it is good enough to hide your flaws. In my case of bad dark eye circles, I use the ZA brightener + this concealer under my eyes when I go out. You don't even need to apply much, a small dab can instantly cover all your eyebags and dark circles. I have been using this since college so I know it really works! The problem is, it is always sold out at pharmacies, you may want to check out Guardian Mid Valley as this outlet seem to stock up pretty well.

4) To scrub or to cleanse?

Okay, I am quite shy to admit this and I usually get shot down by girls (and sometimes even guys) when they find out that I do not cleanse my face everyday *gasp*. The reason is because I am damn lazy and also my previous jobs were so time consuming that I rather sleep longer than cleanse my face (excuses, I know). Hence, I usually my cleanser last a LOOOOONG time because it doesn't run out so fast thanks to my (irregular) cleansing habit. I guess I have to thank God for my good skin *phew*. Therefore, instead of spending money on a bottle of cleanser that I barely use, I got myself a facial scrub (I needed one because I read somewhere that you should exfoliate your skin at least once a week and also cause scrubbing my face gives me more joy than cleansing cause I can actually feel my skin being exfoliated wtf #weirdo). So anyway, this was the cheapest and most effective scrub I found. After using this baby, my skin feels extra clean, like super mega duper clean ok!, and the micro beads are really micro so you will not feel like you are hurting your skin. In fact, it actually feels like a cleanser (I actually tried the cleanser version of this because it came with a free sample, and really don't feel much difference hence, I can tell you to just use this baby and forget about the cleanser all together). So yup, there you go, this scrub is mild enough to be used 2-3 times a week and yet it makes your skin feels extra clean after every use, so clean that many times I contemplated on using it on my body too o.0

Now, let's move on to EYES.

5) The Gel Eyeliner

For years I have been trying various types of eyeliner, from various types to various brands. I must say, the best I have used so far is GEL EYELINER. And the current one I am using is from Silkygirl and it is oh-so-wonderful! See below.

Silkygirl Double Intense Eyeliner in black, RM23.90 only and you can get it at any pharmacies. The packaging is pretty unique too, it opens up to 3 compartments (as seen in right pic), one is the tub of gel, one is the brush and another is the brush holder/tub cover. Pretty smart. Alot of misconception about gel liners is that it is harder to apply, in fact, I once thought so too, until I used this. It is actually easier to apply compared to liquid eyeliner! Funny but true, it gives you more control and precision and the flat brush allows you to apply nearer to the eye. Of course, there are probably better eyeliner brands out there from famous brands like MAC, Bobbi Brown etc but based on my own experience of using an RM80 MAC eyeliner a couple years ago, I felt it doesn't differ much from a Silkygirl brand. In fact, sometimes I feel that pharmacies brands like In2It or Silkygirl is better, plus it is way more affordable. Hence, I have not bought any branded eyeliner since then.

6) Cheap Eyeshadows

Okay, truth to be told, there is a diffrence between expensive shadows and the cheap ones. The expensive ones like Bobbi Brown sticks to your eyes for hours and the colour does stay longer, however, if you are not one who use eyeshadow at least 3 times a week, I do not see a point in purchasing expensive eyeshadow because you are most likely going to waste it away as eyeshadows will crack and expire after a certain amount of time. For people like me whom only use eyeshadows only during special events (ie: wedding dinners, company annual dinner, prom etc), it is best to just purchase from pharmacies or Elianto. I love Elianto because they have alot of colours and it only costs RM5! It is also best to stick to basic colours that is easy to match like beige, grey & brown. If you have some funky party to attend and need to play around with colours, do go for Elianto, the bright pink and black shadow in the picture above are both from Elianto at RM5. Also, you may want to explore Guardian warehouse sales for eyeshadows (which I will explain more on this later on).

7) Vaseline for Lipcare

Another important part of your face is your lips. My mother has always told me that lipstick is the most important cosmetic item a girl should have. In fact, my first cosmetic was a lipstick which I barely used because I was still a teenager and did not know how to appreciate lipsticks. At that time it was all about eyeshadows in sparkly shades of pink and purple. Ew! Anyway, I have learnt to appreciate lipsticks and lipgloss over the years because it does change your whole look immediately, plus it keeps your lips moist and kissable mhmm. Especially, if you have dry lips like myself. Most women who work/study in air-conditioned places suffer from dry lips and it is very very important to keep your lips protected. Having said that, it also means that you will be using alot of lip balm etc. I used to use lip balm from The Body Shop which is not too expensive but because of my extensive usage, it finishes up too fast than I would like them to! Then one day I discovered: VASELINE!

As scary as the name sounds (read: Petroleum Jelly) it is actually not harmful, in fact it is beneficial to your skin. There was this one time when my office got so cold my lips and the side of the lips started cracking. It was painful and that was the time I started using Vaseline extensively on my lips. At some point, I got worried that the cracks won't go away so I thought of seeking a professional. I went to a pharmacist and guess what she prescibed? VASELINE. I still remember asking her, "Only Vaseline? Do you have any other medication?". She said "no" with such conviction. Haha. I ended up using Vaseline religiously and now my cracked lips are gone! So it really works, and yes, it can be used on the lips too, you won't die from it -___-

Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly serves two functions: First it helps keep the outside world out - it protects skin from the effects of weather and exposure. Second, it acts like a sealant to help keep the inside world in - it forms an occlusive barrier to the natural water loss of our skin. So skin that is dry and chapped is protected from drying elements, enabling skin-softening moisture to build up naturally from inside the skin itself.

- Source here

p/s: I am not paid by Vaseline to write this.

So my point here is that, you can actually use Vaseline as a lipcare product rather than paying for lipbalms etc. Vaseline only cost you a few ringgits and last waaaaaay longer than your average lipbalm. If you are wondering whether I have used other lipcare products, the answer is obviously YES, that's why I can tell you that Vaseline works the same way (if not better) than others. Above is a picture of all the lipbalm products that I have tried - from tube, to stick, to pot to transparent lipstick. I have tried them all.

8) Scarlet Lips

Ok, this is probably one of my favourite buys! I have always wanted a red lipstick but I did not dare to spend a good amount of $ on it because 1) what if I end up not daring to wear it out? I might end up wasting my money and 2) what if the colours turns out ugly, once again wasted $$$. So one day in Daiso, I saw this range of lipsticks and the colour looked pretty good. Since, it only costs RM5 I decided to give it a try. Worst come to worst, I'll just waste RM5 away right? Turns out, the colour looks amazing and the texture is quite creamy! Since then, I am a sucker for red lips. It INSTANTLY brightens up a dull outfit and if you are lazy to put on make up for a date, just apply this red lipstick and your make-up will be transformed from boring to WOW. You don't even need to apply much eye make-up. Just a thin eye-liner and some concealer to hide your eye bags is enough when using red lipstick. So yup, cost-effective and easy! When I am in a rush, red lipstick usually does the trick cause I don't have to apply much make-up elsewhere ;) *oops, the secret is out of the bag now*

9) Maybelline "Colour changing" lip balm

Okay, they have a name for this but I kinda forgot what it is called. This is another quick fix and costs only RM9.90. It adds a tint of pink/red on your lips after applying this lip balm so it helps add colour to your pale lips. I carry this in my purse (because it adds colour + acts as a lip balm). Win-win situation! But don't expect it to be as red as a lipstick though. I use this to touch up my lips when I am out.

10) Haircare - using serum instead of conditioner

Okay, most girls I know would normally use various haircare products on a daily basis, ie: shampoo, conditioner and serum. In fact, I used to be one of those girls who shampoo and condition (and sometimes apply serum) everyday! Then one day, I got home from work so late I decided to skip shampoo-ing, and the next day, my hair did not feel as bad as I imagined it to be. In fact, the natural oils from my hair made it shinier and helps to hold my hair when I tie or clip it up. Since then, I stopped shampoo-ing every day, I still do wash almost everyday, I would say I wash my hair 4-5 times a week. This not only is actually good for your hair because it doesn't dry up your hair from washing and blow-drying (read more here), it can also extend your usage of a bottle of shampoo hence leading to more savings! Even New York Times think so!
Also, extra tip for you, please do not shampoo the ends if you have long hair, but only the roots of your hair because the ends are already dry enough!

Anyway, another thing I started doing is to condition my hair lesser and instead, invest in a proper hair serum (I use Loreal as seen in the picture, have yet to try Pantene which was a gift from Taiwan). I actually stop purchasing conditioner recently because it is quite expensive and use up quickly! Anyway, all you do is wash it off in the shower anyway. Instead, I apply serum on my ends everyday. However, do note that this may differ with different hair textures, and also if you coloured or perm your hair, you may want to continue using conditioner.

11) Bars v.s Gels

When it comes to body wash, I honestly do not think that shower gels are worth it! Mainly cause they somehow don't make my body any cleaner than bar soaps. The only body washes/gels I used are those gifted from friends or got as a free gifts. Other than that, I just stick to bar soaps because it is more cost effective. Furthermore, you normally get 4 bars in a pack (thanks to Dettol who started all these Buy 3 Free 1 promotions). However, if you are rich (in which you should not be reading this entry on how to save money), you may want to indulge in a nice body wash from Body Shop, Loccitane or what not just because you can, since it does make one "feel good". It's all in the's all in the mind....

12) Nails! My favourite part!

To those who know me personally, you will probably realise that I looooveeeee painting my nails. I have only been to a proper manicure ONCE in my life and I have been doing all my nails myself since high school. At one point, I got so good at drawing flowers and designs, I started doing it for my mom as well. So anyway, the best nail polish I have tried so far goes to Elianto both in the cost and quality department. It definately last longer than pasar malam or other cheap nail polishes but the quality, after trying out OPI and Sephora testers, is safe to say that it is as good as them! The problem with my nails is that they chip freaking easily. I always chip my nails within ONE DAY after applying, but so far Elianto manage to last the longest. Sometimes it doesn't chip till after 2 days. Even when I tried OPI it chipped after one day =( So, you can save RM54 by buying polishes from Elianto (RM5) instead of OPI (RM59). Though, I would love to have a bottle of OPI myself to test it out for real someday...Oh, and I know some of you would buy from pasar malam etc (as you can see in the pic, those that are not from Elianto or Faceshop are from pasar malam/random cheap brands), but really, instead of paying RM2 for a random cheap brand, just pay RM3 extra for Elianto, it does not dry up as quick, you can do with ONE coat (although for best results do two), and does not smell funky unlike those pasar malam brands! So, thats my tip for purchasing nail polishes.

13) The Secret Ingredient: Nail Polish Thinner

Now, this here is your secret to long lasting nail polish. A nail thinner. I would recommend to get one that is of better quality and specially for nails (instead of those that you use for thinning paint). Mine here is from this brand called Mavala which is made in Switzerland so it is pretty good. I dont think it costs more than RM20, if I am not mistaken and can be found in pharmacies. Just add a drop or two in polishes that is thickening up and shake it abit, then you're good to go! That is how you extend the lifespan of your nail polish ;)

14) Shop at Guardian warehouse sales

Yes, this is how you stretch your ringgit, by shopping at warehouse sales. Although, I must admit, MOST of the stuff they sell there are crap and you need to be vigilant in checking the expiry dates but from my experience, Guardian have the best warehouse sales when it comes to cosmetics. However, as mentioned, you must check the expiry date as some products maybe close to expiry date. Judging from experience, most Silkygirl products are worth buying in warehouse sales because they still have a long way to go before expiring. Just to help you gauge easier, anything that is more than a year from expiring is worth buying. I usually buy make-up stuff that I am not usually willing to pay for at full price (ie: blue eyeliner, bronzer etc). All items in pics above were sourced from Guardian warehouse sales (click here for info on warehouse sales)

15) Use your free samples!

This may be a no brainer to some but yeah, use those free samples you got from hypermarkets or roadshows etc. You'll be surprised how much you can save from surviving on samples. Yes, it sounds kind of cheap but everytime I see people giving out sample's, I would take it! Hah. Why say no to freebies right? Also, look out for Buy 1 FREE 1 deals that usually comes when you purchase shampoos etc.

So, that ends my uber long post on how to save money and look good at the same time! I hope it gave you some insights and like I said earlier, this may only apply to the lazy and the poor :) But still, hope you had fun reading cause I sure had fun writing this!

Till then!

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